Pastor / Vicar: Fr. Jose Tharackal
3238 Royal Ave., Berkley, MI 48072, USA.
Monday – Friday Holy Mass at 7 pm
Saturday Holy Mass at 10 am.
Sunday Holy Mass at 10 am.
Holy Mass (English) at 12.10 pm
Every Sunday at 9.30 am.
Every first Friday of the month after 7 pm Mass.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help on every Saturdays
DRE: Biju Thekkilakattil 248-497-1966
Number of Students: 48
No. of staff: 16
MAIN FEAST: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th.
PIOUS ASSOCIATIONS: Legion of Mary, Mission League, Infant Ministry, Teen Ministry, Youth Ministry.
Knanaya Catholic Society (KCS) of Detroit-Windsor used to organize Syro-Malabar Holy Mass for Knanaya Catholics whenever a priest was available. Fr. Abraham Mutholath, the Vicar General and Knanaya Region director made presentation on the relevance of establishing a Knanaya Catholic Mission in Detroit in a public meeting organized by KCS Detroit-Windsor under the leadership of the then President Stephen Parayil. Based on the discussion that followed, the general body agreed to apply to Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath to establish a Knanaya Catholic Mission.
Mar Jacob Angadiath established the mission on January 3, 2009 with Fr. Abraham Mutholath as the mission director. Fr. Mutholath used to come from Chicago to offer Holy Mass for the mission. One day after Holy Mass there was a discussion on who shall be the patron saint of the mission. Many members presented the names of their favorite saints. So, the committee cast lot with the names of all the saints and got the name of the Servant of God Pope John Paul II. Some had preferred his name because of his historical decision to keep the status of the Knanaya Catholics in the Eparchy of Kottayam on December 23, 2003. Since he was not beatified at that time, we could not officially accept him as patron saint at that time. Hence Blessed Virgin Mary was selected as the patron saint.
Mar Jacob Angadiath appointed Fr. Mathew Meledath as the director of this mission on August 15, 2009. The mission purchased a church building on May 27, 2010. Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath consecrated this church on July 17, 2010. His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakattu celebrated the first mass in the church and his Excellency Mar Joseph Pandarasserril delivered the homily during the celebration. Mar Jacob Angadiath canonically elevated the mission as a Parish and appointed Fr. Mathew Meledath as the first pastor of the newly founded church. The parish hosted Knanaya Region Pastoral Council on July 18, 2015.
Fr. Philip Ramachanattu was the pastor from May 6, 2013 to February 28, 2018. Fr. Boban Vattampurath served as the pastor of this parish from March 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018. Mar Jacob Angadiath appointed Fr. Jemy Puthusseril as the present pastor from May 1, 2018. Mar Joy Alappatt replaced Fr. Jemy with Fr. Jose Tharackal from September 15, 2023.
This mission serves around 80 Knanaya Catholic families living in the State of Michigan. Parish main feast is celebrated on August 15th in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
2009 January 3: Mar Jacob Angadiath established the mission with Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath as the mission director.
2009 August 15: Fr. Mathew Meledath was appointed as the director of the mission.
2010 May 27: The mission purchased a church building for the mission.
2010 July 17: Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath consecrated the church along with Mar Mathew Moolakattu and Mar Joseph Pandarasserril. Mar Jacob Angadiath elevated the mission as a parish and appointed Fr. Mathew Meledath as the first pastor.
2013 May 6: Fr. Philip Ramachanattu was appointed as the pastor.
2015 July 18: The parish hosted Knanaya Region Pastoral Council.
2018 March 1: Fr. Boban Vattampurath served as the pastor of this parish.
2018 May 1: Fr. Jemy Puthusseril took charge as the pastor.
2023 September 15: Fr. Jose Tharackal took charge as the pastor.
Fr. Abraham Mutholath (2009 January 3 – 2009 August 15)
Fr. Mathew Meledath (2009 August 15 – 2013 May 6)
Fr. Philip Ramachanattu (2013 May 6 – 2018 February 28)
Fr. Boban Vattampurath (March 1, 2018 – 2018 April 30)
Fr. Jemy Puthusseril (2018 May 1 – 2023 September 14)
Fr. Jose Tharackal (2023 September 15 – )
Fr. Abraham Mutholath (First Mission Director), Fr. Mathew Meledath (First Pastor), Fr. Philip Ramachanat (Former Pastor), Fr. Boban Vattampurath (Former Pastor), Fr. Jemy Puthusseril (Former Pastor), Fr. Jose Tharackal (Present Pastor).