

7800 W. Lyons St., Morton Grove, IL 60053 1-847-919-5279

Pastor / Vicar: Rev. Fr. Siju Mudakodil
7800 W. Lyons St., Morton Grove, IL 60053.
Residence at : 9405 Michael Ct., Morton Grove, IL 60053.


English Mass:

Friday 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 11:45 A.M.

Malayalam Mass:

Monday through Friday at 8.15 A.M.
Monday to Thursday 7:00 P.M.
Saturday at 10:00 A.M.
Sunday Mass at 8 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.

St. Anthony on every Tuesday after 7:00 P.M. Holy Mass
St. Jude on every Thursdays after 7:00 P.M. Holy Mass
St. Michael first Wednesday of every month after 7:00 P.M. Holy Mass
Our Lady of Perpetual Help on every Saturday after 10:00 A.M. Holy Mass

Perpetual adoration every day 9AM to 9 P.M.(Adoration Chapel)
Every First Friday of the month after 7:00 P.M. Mass
Night Vigil every second Thursday after 7:00 P.M.


DRE: Saji Pootrhukayil 847-293-9409
Number of Students: 525
Youth and Adult Teachers 26

Men Ministry, Women Ministry, Youth Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Legion of Mary, Prayer Group, Darsana Samooham.

Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary on weekend before August 15.

Annual Retreat, Parish Day, Pilgrimages, Parish Weekly Bulletin.



Knanaya Catholics who migrated to Chicago and nearby areas from the Diocese of Kottayam gathered in January 1981 and requested the Bishop of Kottayam Mar Kuriakose Kunnassery to send a priest from Kottayam diocese to offer pastoral service to the Knanaya community here. Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry wrote on March 18, 1981 to His Eminence John Cardinal Cody, Archbishop of Chicago asking his help to make provisions for establishing a Knanaya Catholic Ministry in Chicago served by a Knanaya Catholic priest. However, the reply by the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago Rev. John R. Keating was that “it is our judgment that the creation of such a special ministry would not be appropriate at the present time.”

However, from 1982 the Knanaya Catholics in Chicago attended Saturday 5:30 P.M. Latin Mass at St. Alphonsus Church and had social gathering on alternate Saturdays at the parish hall after the Mass.  They arranged Syro-Malabar Qurbana in the basement chapel of St. Alphonsus Church whenever a Syro-Malabar priest was available. Bishop Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry sent a letter on November 3, 1982 to the then new Archbishop of Chicago Most Rev. Joseph L. Bernardin to reconsider the request for starting a new Knanaya Catholic Ministry in Chicago. At the request of the community leaders, Rev. Richard J. Feller, the pastor of Church of St. Ita wrote on September 7, 1983 to the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago expressing his willingness to provide residence in his parish for the proposed Knanaya priest coming from Kerala.

Rev. John C. Hergenrother, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago held a meeting on September 27,  1983 with two representatives each from four associations: (1) Kerala Catholic Fellowship, (2) Knanaya Association of North America, (3) Knanaya Catholic Congress, and (4) Knanaya Association of Chicago. They reached an agreement to avail the service of Fr. Jacob Chollampel, proposed by Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry to serve all Kerala Catholics in Chicago. Hence, the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago wrote on 1983 October 7 to Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry welcoming the service of Fr. Jacob Chollampel. Fr. Jacob Chollampel reached Chicago and started special ministry October 28, 1983 to the Kerala Catholics while living in the rectory of St. Ita church.

Non-Knanaya Syro-Malabar Catholics in Chicago wrote in October 1984 to Kerala Catholic Bishop’s Conference and Syro-Malabar Bishop’s Conference asking for a separate ministry for them in Chicago. The Syro-Malabar Bishop’s Conference held on December 3rd 1984 authorized His Excellency Mar Joseph Pallikaparambil to correspond with the Archbishop of Chicago “to get a priest for the Syro-Malabar Rite appointed for the special ministry to the non-Knanaya Syro-Malabarians in Chicago in addition to Rev. Fr. Jacob Chollampel who is already appointed for the ministry to the Knanaya Community.” Based on this request of the Bishop’s Conference, the Archbishop of Chicago Joseph Cardinal Bernadine approved and inaugurated the Syro-Malabar Ministry in Chicago on August 25, 1985. The Chicago Archdiocese gave them permission to use St. Bernadine church in Forest Park for monthly Holy Mass. Fr. Antony Kurialacherry was appointed as the director of the ministry.

Since Fr. Jacob Chollampel was returning to Kottayam, Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry wrote to Joseph Cardinal Bernardin on April 15, 1985 proposing to send Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil to continue the special ministry of Knanaya Catholics in Chicago. However,  Rev. Robert L. Kealy, the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago wrote on August 31, 1985 to Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry that clarification is to be made on membership issue of the Knanaya Ministry before Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthy could come and take over the ministry. Fr. Jacob Chollampel returned to India and the community kept waiting for the arrival of Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil.

At the request of the Knanaya Community members, Fr. Anthony Kurialacherry, Spiritual Director of Syro-Malabar Catholic Community of Chicago agreed on December 3, 1985 to continue the Syro-Malabar Mass at St. Benedict’s Church, Chicago on every Saturday evening. Fr. C.T. Vayalil from the Archdiocese of Changanacherry who was serving as a hospital chaplain in Chicago also agreed to help with the ministry. Later, Rev. Robert L. Kealy wrote to Fr. Zacharias Elapunkal, the director of the Syro-Malabar Ministry on January 23, 1987 to coordinate the services of the Syro-Malabar priests who might celebrate the liturgy for the Knanaya Syro-Malabar Ministry.

On December 7, 1987, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin wrote to Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry expressing his willingness to accept the service of Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil for the Knanaya Syro-Malabar Ministry in Chicago. Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil came to Chicago on May 24, 1988 and the Archdiocese of Chicago appointed him on May 31, 1988, as the director of Knanaya Catholic Mission while residing as St. Ferdinand’s Church. The inaugural Mass of the new “Knanaya Catholic Mission” took place on July 23, 1988 at St. Henry’s at 6:30 P.M. Chancellor Rev. Robert L. Kealy delivered a message during the mass. Syro-Malabar was offered at St. Henry’s church on every other Saturday at 6:30 P.M. The venue of the Mass was shifted from St. Henry’s to Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Church on April 15, 1989.

Archdiocese of Chicago appointed Fr. Simon Edathiparambil as the director of Knanaya Catholic Mission on August 16, 1995 with his residence at IHM Parish. Fr. Philip Thodukayil took charge as the director of Knanaya Catholic Mission with his residence at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish on June 25, 1999. Fr. Philip Thodukayil started Saturday evening mass at 6:00 P.M. from February 5, 2000 on every first Saturday of the month at St. Isidore’s Church in Bloomingdale. This is in addition to the Sunday evening Mass at the IHM church on every Sunday. Fr. Philip Thodukayil started an additional Sunday morning mass at 10:00 A.M. at KCS Community Center followed by Religious Education Classes at the center from January 14, 2001.

Fr. Philip Thodukayil started an additional Saturday evening mass from February 16, 2002 at 6:00 P.M. on every third Saturday of the month at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Darien. At the request of Mar Jacob Angadiath, Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath moved to Chicago on February 16, 2003 and started living at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Chicago while working as chaplain at Our Lady of Resurrection Hospital at Addison and Central in Chicago.

After the inauguration of the St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago on July 1, 2001, Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath reconstituted this mission as part of the Syro-Malabar diocese on October 29, 2003 extending its boundary to include all Knanaya Catholics living in the states of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. He also confirmed the appointment of Rev. Fr. Philip Thodukayil as the director of this mission. When he returned to Kottayam, Bishop Angadiath appointed Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath as the director of this mission on July 1, 2004. Due to lack of enough people’s participation the Holy Mass at St. Isidore’s Church in Bloomingdale was stopped on August 7, 2004 and the mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Darien was stopped on August 21, 2004.

The mission celebrated a Solemn Feast for the first time in honor of Pope St. Pius X on August 8, 2004 with Mar Mathew Moolakkatt as the main celebrant. The mission started Holy Mass from September 4, 2004 at St. Peter’s Church in North Lake on every Saturday at 5:00 P.M. The mission also started Religious Education School at North Lake on September 11 and at IHM School on September 12, 2004. The mission conducted the first marriage preparation course from December 3 – 5, 2004.

During the homily at IHM Church on May 22, 2005, Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, then auxiliary bishop of Kottayam requested the Knanaya Catholics in Chicago to establish our own church. The planning to have our own church started. Mass for Chicago Suburb was moved from St. Peter’s Church in North Lake to the hall of St. Joseph’s Church in Addison on June 18, 2005. Mission began to be active with many pastoral programs like Theology Course of adults, various ministries, religious education festival, publication of Sunday Bulletin, and youth retreats. The Sunday 5:30 P.M. mass was shifted in September 2005 to Our Lady of Victory (OLV) church. A search committee was formed on October 2, 2005 to find a suitable building to buy for our church.

Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath established seven regions in St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Diocese of Chicago on April 28, 2006. One of these regions is for all Knanaya Catholics in the diocese. Mar Jacob Angadiath officially declared the establishment of Knanaya Catholic Region at OLV Church Chicago and appointed Vicar General Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath as Region Director on April 30, 2006.

The Archdiocese of Chicago through the Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Joseph Paprocki had promised to sell one of their churches that was not yet closed to the Knanaya Catholic Mission. However, the Archdiocese gave strict instruction to Mar Jacob Angadiath, Fr. Abraham Mutholath, and Joy Vachachira that the name of the church to be bought should be strictly confidential until the Archbishop issues decree on closing the church and selling to the Knanaya Community. So, while the fundraising was going on, the community members were not aware of the church to be bought and its location.

Mission Director Fr. Abraham Mutholath revealed the name and location of the church to be bought during a Music Concert by Rev. Fr. Paul Poovathumkal at Taft High School Auditorium 2006 June 24. The music concert was a fundraising program organized by women ministry for the purchase of the new church. At that time the people gladly accepted the decision. However, some mission members raised security issue in the City of Maywood where the proposed church was located. The issue got great momentum and there was severe protest. Some people collected signatures of around 400 families and submitted a petition to Mar Jacob Angadiath against the purchase of that church. Though bishop and mission director were willing to give up, another group came with the strong request to purchase the same church. So, Mar Angadiath asked them to collect the signatures of over 400 other families in support of their request.

Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Archbishop Emeritus Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry, and Rev. Fr. Thomas Kottoor had arrived from Kerala for the blessing and inauguration of the church that was scheduled to take place on July 15, 2016. Instead, a concelebrated Mass was offered on the same date at Addison School Hall by Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry, Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, and Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath.

As part of the proposed parish inauguration a banquet in honor of the dignitaries was arranged on July 16, 2006 at Crown Jewel Banquet Hall in Des Plaines. During that banquet, those in favor of purchasing the church under the leadership of Alex Kannachanparambil submitted a petition of more than 400 families in favor of buying the church. Based on that, Mar Jacob Angadiath announced his decision to purchase St. James Church in Maywood for Knanaya Catholic Mission.

Because of the Syro-Malabar Synod, the bishops had gone to Kerala by the time the Archdiocese handed over the church with effect from September 1, 2006. The mission director Fr. Abraham Mutholath offered the first Syro-Malabar Qurbana at St. James Church in Maywood on Friday, September 1st. On Sunday, September 3, 2006, Fr. Abraham Mutholath, and parish council members inaugurated the possession of the church after 10:00 A.M. Qurbana by lighting a candle.

On September 24, 2006, Mar Jacob Angadiath blessed the new interior architectural work of the church and declared the Knanaya Catholic Mission as Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Parish. He appointed the Mission Director Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath as pastor of the parish.

Since half of the parishioners had objected to the purchase of the church in Maywood, the Qurbana at Our Lady of Victory Church in Chicago was continued as an extension of the parish on Sunday evenings. On December 25, 2006 Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath issued a circular announcing the formation of St. Mary’s Unit for those Knanaya Catholics who attend OLV church for their pastoral needs with effect from January 1, 2007. Religious Education classes, pious associations and ministries for various ages were held there also. Thus, St. Mary’s Unit functioned as a quasi-parish under the Sacred Heart Parish. Efforts were made to reduce the division in the community by organizing common programs for Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s participants including common Religious Education Festival, youth retreat, seminars, and feast celebrations.

The Knanaya Catholic Society (KCS) of Chicago had bought a property in Hoffman Estates to build a community center. The society and participants of St. Mary’s unit came to an agreement on November 12, 2007 to have St. Mary’s Church and Community Center at the property of KCS. Decision was made at the General Body at OLV Church on November 16, 2008 to buy 2.42 acres of land at Hoffman Estates close to property of KCS for St. Mary’s Church. Fundraising programs were held to raise fund for the proposed St. Mary’s Church. Since the unit could not raise enough fund on time, the former decision to purchase property at Hoffman Estates for St. Mary’s Church was dropped in the general body held on February 22, 2009 at OLV Church.

Search was still going on for church building close to the homes of the parishioners. The General Body of St. Mary’s Unit held at OLV Church on June 7, 2009, decided to purchase a building in Arlington Heights for St. Mary’s Church. While the process of purchasing the building was going on, a synagogue was available for purchase in Morton Grove. So, the General Body at OLV church on August 16, 2009 decided to buy that synagogue at 7800 W. Lyons St., Morton Grove, IL 60053. The closing of that property was done on November 30, 2009 and the property became available from January 14, 2010. However, with mutual agreement, the seller continued to use the facility until May 31, 2010. Joseph (Thampy) Viruthikulangara, Polson Kulangara, and Stephen Kizhakkekuttu were the coordinators of the Fundraising Committee that did a marvelous effort to raise sufficient fund on time. A few committee members visited Guadalupe, Mexico from April 19-22, 2010 and bought religious items for the new church.

During the Holy Mass as OLV church on August 3, 2008 by the Bishop of Miao Mar George Palliparambil and by Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Fr. Abraham Mutholath handed over sponsorship amount to Bishop Mar George Palliparambil to construct a church in the Diocese of Miao in the name of St. Mary on behalf of St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Unit in Chicago. Sacred Heart Parish and St. Mary’s Unit also sponsored the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Miao that was consecrated on May 2, 2010. Fr. Abraham Mutholath and Joy Chemmachel participated in the consecration of the cathedral.

The former Chief Minister of Kerala State Mr. Oomman Chandy along with Ramesh Chennithala and M.M. Hassan inaugurated the Morton Grove Knanaya Church Auditorium on June 11, 2010. The last mass of the St. Mary’s Unit at OLV church was held on June 11, 2010 and that of the KCS Community Center was on July 15, 2010.

Mar Jacob Angadiath consecrated St. Mary’s Church in Morton Grove on July 18, 2010. Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Archbishop of Kottayam was the main celebrant of the First Mass offered in this Church immediately after the consecration. Mar Joseph Pandarasseril, the Auxiliary Bishop of Kottayam was con-concelebrant and gave homily during the Holy Mass. St. Mary’s Unit was elevated as a parish and Fr. Abraham Mutholath was appointed as its first pastor as an additional appointment. The boundary of St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Parish was formally restricted to Knanaya Catholics living to the north of 90 Express Way in the state of Illinois and in the state of Wisconsin.

A Visitation Convent in Chicago was also established on July 18, 2010. The convent building at 7801 W. Maple St., in Morton Grove near St. Mary’s Church was blessed on the same day after the consecration of the St. Mary’s Church in Morton Grove. Three sisters of the Visitation congregation live in this convent and help with the pastoral ministry of Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Parishes in Chicago.

During the informal visit of Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo, the Archbishop of Ranchi to Chicago, the Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s parishioners offered him a reception at St. Mary’s church on August 3, 2010 along with Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakatt and Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath. The First Solemn Feast of B.V. Mary at St. Mary’s Church was held from August 6 to 8, 2010. Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath, and Bishop Mar George Palliparambil were celebrants. Archbishop of Agra Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza inaugurated the cultural programs.

Following the model of the Sacred Heart Church in Maywood, the parishioners of St. Mary’s parish also wanted to a have common burial place in a Catholic Cemetery. The parish applied for that to the Archbishop of Chicago with the recommendation of Mar Jacob Angadiath. The parish got a separate section at Maryhill Cemetery in Niles with possibility of more than 1400 graves. The cemetery staff made a presentation at St. Mary’s church on July 24, 2011 and parishioners started buying plots from August 1, 2011. A shrine was installed in the cemetery with the name of the church.  Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath blessed the shrine on July 22, 2012.

The front elevation of the St. Mary’s church was remodeled with the help of Artist Narayanan Kuttappan. Major Archbishop Mar George Alancherry, along with Mar Jacob Angadiath blessed it on October 25, 2011.

Mar Jacob Angadiath relieved Fr. Abraham Mutholath from Sacred Heart Parish and appointed Fr. Saji Pinarkayil, who has been associate pastor of the Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic parishes in Chicago as the pastor of the Sacred Heart Parish in Maywood on January 1, 2012.  Both parishes continued common programs for the unity of the community like religious education festival, youth retreat, seminars, feasts, and pilgrimages.

Mar Jacob Angadiath transferred Fr. Abraham Mutholath from St. Mary’s Parish to the Sacred Heart church for a second term with effect from October 18, 2014. Vicar General Fr. Thomas Mulavanal was appointed as the pastor of St. Mary’s Parish. Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath elevated Sacred Heart Church in Maywood and a forane church on March 22, 2015 with Fr. Abraham Mutholath and the forane vicar. St. Mary’s Parish became part of this forane. The Chicago Forane Bible Fest was held at St. Mary’s Church in the presence of Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt and Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath on September 12, 2015.

Mar Joy Alappatt transferred Fr. Thomas Mulavanal to Chicago Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Parish and appointed Fr. Siju Mudakkodil as the pastor with effect from September 15, 2023.

Fr. Jose Illikunnumpurath, Fr. Saji Pinarkayil, Fr. Siju Mudakkodil, Fr. Suni Padinjarekkara, Fr. Jose Chirappurath, Fr. Boban Vattampurath, and Fr. Bins Chethalil, Fr. Joseph Thachara served as associate pastors. Fr. Lijo Kochuparambil was the associate pastor form June 15, 2022. Fr. Joshy Valiyaveettil is the associate pastor from November 12, 2023.


1981 January: Knanaya Catholics in Chicago requested the Bishop of Kottayam Mar Kuriakose Kunnassery to send a priest from Kottayam diocese to offer pastoral serve to them.

1981 March 18: Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry wrote to His Eminence John Cardinal Cody, Archbishop of Chicago expressing his willingness to provide a priest to serve the Knanaya Catholics in Chicago.

1982 February 16: The Archdiocese of Chicago rejected the proposal to start a Knanaya Mission in Chicago.

1982: Get together of the Knanaya Catholics in Chicago on alternate Saturdays after 5:30 P.M. Latin Mass at St. Alphonsus church. They also arranged Syro-Malabar Qurbana at the basement chapel of St. Alphonsus Church whenever a Syro-Malabar priest was available.

1983 September 27: Rev. John C. Hergenrother, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago held a meeting with two representatives each from four Knanaya and non-Knanaya Catholic associations and decided to accept Fr. Jacob Chollampel proposed by Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry to serve all Kerala Catholics in Chicago.

1983 October 28: Fr. Jacob Chollampel reached Chicago and started special ministry to the Kerala Catholics while living in the rectory of St. Ita church.

1984 October: Non-Knanaya Syro-Malabar Catholics in Chicago wrote to Kerala Catholic Bishop’s Conference and Syro-Malabar Bishop’s Conference asking for a separate ministry for Non-Knanaya Catholics in Chicago.

1985 August 25: The Archbishop of Chicago established separate Syro-Malabar ministry for non-Knanaya Syro-Malabarians while maintaining the ministry by Fr. Chollampel for Knanaya Catholics. Thereby the Knanaya Ministry in Chicago came into effect.

1985 September – December: Fr. Jacob Chollampel returned to India and the community could not get a Knanaya priest from Kottayam diocese because of the membership dispute of the Knanaya ministry.

1985 December 3: Fr. Anthony Kurialacherry, the spiritual director of Syro-Malabar Catholic Community of Chicago and a hospital chaplain Fr. C.T. Vayalil from the Archdiocese of Changanacherry helped the Knanaya ministry to continue Syro-Malabar Mass at St. Benedict’s Church on every Saturday evening.

1987 January 23: Rev. Robert L. Kealy assigned Fr. Zacharias Elapunkal, the then director of the Syro-Malabar Ministry to coordinate the services of the Syro-Malabar priests who were celebrating the liturgy for the Knanaya Syro-Malabar Ministry.

1988 May 31: Archbishop of Chicago appointed Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil as director of Knanaya Catholic Mission while residing as St. Ferdinand’s Church in Chicago.

1988 July 23: Inauguration of a new “Knanaya Catholic Mission” at St. Henry’s at 6:30 P.M. Mass was offered at St. Henry’s Church every other Saturday night at 6:30 P.M.

1995 August 16: Archbishop of Chicago appointed Fr. Simon Edathiparambil as the director of Knanaya Catholic Mission with his residence at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish.

1999 June 25: Archdiocese of Chicago appointed Fr. Philip Thodukayil as the director of Knanaya Catholic Mission with his residence at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish.

2003 February 16: Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath moved to Chicago and started living at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Chicago while working as chaplain at Our Lady of Resurrection Hospital at Addison and Central in Chicago.

2003 October 29: Mar Jacob Angadiath officially recognized the Knanaya Catholic Mission of Chicago, along with nine other Knanaya Catholic Missions in the USA, as a mission of the St. Thomas Diocese of Chicago. He also confirmed the appointment of Fr. Philip Thodukayil as the director of this mission. Mar Jacob Angadiath extended the boundary of the mission to include all Knanaya Catholics living in the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.

2004 July 1: Fr. Philip Thodukayil left for India. Mar Jacob Angadiath appointed Fr. Abraham Mutholath, the vicar general, also as the director of the mission.

2004 September 4: An additional Syro-Malabar Qurbana was started at St. Peter’s Church in North Lake on every Saturday at 5:00 P.M.

2004 September 11 & 12: Started Religious Education School at North Lake and IHM school.

2005 May 22: Mar Mathew Moolakkatt requested the Knanaya Catholics in Chicago to establish our own church during his homily at IHM Church. The planning to have our own church started.

2005 June 18: Mass for Chicago Suburb was moved from St. Peter’s Church in North Lake to the hall of St. Joseph’s Church in Addison.

2005 September: The Sunday 5:30 P.M. mass was shifted from IHM to Our Lady of Victory (OLV) church.

2005 October 2: Search committee formed to find a suitable church to buy for the mission.

2006 April 30: Mar Jacob Angadiath officially declared the establishment of Knanaya Catholic Region at OLV Church Chicago and appointed Vicar General Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath as the Region Director.

2006 June 24: Fr. Abraham Mutholath revealed the location of the church to be bought during the Music Concert by Rev. Fr. Paul Poovathumkal at Thaft High School Auditorium. The music concert was a fundraising program organized by the women ministry for the purchase of the new church.

2006 July 15: Originally planned date of inaugurating the former St. James Church in Maywood as Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Church. Because of a severe objection on the location of the proposed church, Mar Jacob Angadiath suspended the plan for purchase of the church.

2006 July 16: Originally planned Parish Inauguration Banquet at Crown Jewel Banquet Hall in Des Plaines. During this banquet, more than 400 families submitted a petition in favor of purchasing the church. Based on that, Mar Jacob Angadiath announced his decision to purchase St. James Church in Maywood for Knanaya Catholic Mission.

2006 September 3: Inauguration of Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Church in Maywood at 10:00 A.M. by Vicar General and mission director Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath and parish council members.

2006 September 24: Blessing of the interior architectural work of Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Church and declaration of Knanaya Catholic Mission as Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Parish and appointment of Mission Director Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath as pastor of the parish by His Excellency Mar Jacob Angadiath.

2006 December 25: Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath sent a circular announcing the formation of St. Mary’s Unit for those Knanaya Catholics who continued attending OLV church for their pastoral needs with effect from January 1, 2007.

2007 January 1: Start date of St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Parish Unit in Chicago.

2008 August 3: Holy Mass by Mar George Palliparambil and homily by Mar Mathew Moolakkatt at 5:30 P.M. at OLV Church for St. Mary’s Unit. Fr. Abraham Mutholath handed over sponsorship amount to Bishop Mar George Palliparambil to construct a church in the Diocese of Miao in the name of St. Mary on behalf of St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Unit in Chicago.

2009 August 16: General Body at OLV church decided to buy a Jewish Synagogue at 7800 W. Lyons St., Morton Grove, IL 60053 for St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Church. It

2009 November 30: Closing of Morton Grove property for the second church at Morton Grove.

2010 January 14: St. Mary’s Unit officially bought the synagogue today.

2010 May 2: Consecration of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Miao. The sanctuary of the Cathedral is sponsored by Sacred Heart Parish and St. Mary’s Unit.

2010 June 11: Inauguration of Morton Grove Knanaya Church Auditorium at Morton Grove by former Chief Minister of Kerala State Mr. Oomman Chandy along with Ramesh Chennithala and M.M. Hassan.

2010 July 18: Consecration of St. Mary’s Church in Morton Grove by Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath, Mar Mathew Moolakkatt and Mar Joseph Pandarasseril. The unit was elevated as a parish and Fr. Abraham Mutholath was appointed as its pastor. The Visitation Convent building at 7801 W. Maple St., in Morton Grove near St. Mary’s Church was blessed by the bishops on the same day after the consecration of the St. Mary’s Church in Morton Grove.

2010 August 3: Reception to Cardinal Telesphore P. Toppo, the Archbishop of Ranchi along with Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakatt and Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath at 7:00 P.M.

2010 August 6 – 8: First Solemn Feast of B.V. Mary at St. Mary’s Church. Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath, and Bishop Mar George Palliparambil were celebrants. Archbishop of Agra Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza inaugurated the Kala Sandhya.

2011 October 25: Reception to Major Archbishop Mar George Alancherry by both churches at St. Mary’s Knanaya Catholic Church and blessing of the remodeled front elevation of the St. Mary’s Church.

2012 July 22: Blessing of Knanaya Catholic Cemetery Shrine at Maryhill Cemetery, Niles by Vicar General Fr. Abraham Mutholath.

2014 October 18: Mar Jacob Angadiath transferred Fr. Abraham Mutholath from St. Mary’s Parish to the Sacred Heart church for a second term and Vicar General Fr. Thomas Mulavanal took charge as the pastor.

2015 September 12: Chicago Forane Bible Fest held at St. Mary’s Church in the presence of Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt and Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath.

2023 September 15: Mar Joy Alappatt appointed Fr. Siju Mudakkodil as the pastor.

2023 November 12: Mar Joy Alappatt appointed Fr. Joshy Valiyaveettil as the associate pastor.


Fr. Jacob Chollampel (1983 October 28 – 1985 September)

Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil (1988 May 31 – 1995 August 16)

Fr. Simon Edathiparambil (1995 August 16 – 1999 June 25)

Fr. Philip Thodukayil (1999 June 25 – 2004 July 1)

Fr. Abraham Mutholath (2004 July 1 – 2014 October 18)

Fr. Thomas Mulavanal (2014 October 18 – 2023 September 14)

Fr. Siju Mudakkodil (2023 September 15 – )


Fr. Jose Illikunnumpurath (2010 August 3 – 2010 December 28)

Fr. Saji Pinarkayil (2011 April 1 – 2012 January 1)

Fr. Siju Mudakkodil (2012 August 1 – 2014 October 18)

Fr. Suni Padinjarekkara (2014 October 1 – 2015 December 15)

Fr. Jose Chirappurath (2015 December 12 – 2016 July 1)

Fr. Boban Vattampurath (2016 August 21 – 2018 March 1)

Fr. Bins Chethalil (2018 June 15 – 2020 August 18)

Fr. Joseph Thachara (2021 July 4 – 2022 July 30)

Fr. Lijo Kochuparambil (2022 June 15 – 2023 October 31)

Fr. Joshy Valiyaveettil (2023 November 1 – 2024 July 15)



Fr. Jacob Chollampel (First Mission Director), Fr. Cyriac Manthuruthil (Mission Director), Fr. Simon Edathiparambil (Mission Director), Fr. Philip Thodukayil (Mission Director), Fr. Abraham Mutholath (First Pastor), Fr. Thomas Mulavanal (Former Pastor), Fr. Siju Mudakodil (Present Pastor).

Contact Information
    Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal
    541 Willow Rd
    Elmhurst, IL 60126

    Fr. Bins Chethalil
    541 Willow Rd
    Elmhurst, IL 60126

    Fr. Abraham Mutholath

© Knanaya Catholic Region. All Rights Reserved 2025.